Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Launching Our Free Contact Button for Blogger Blogspots and Other Websites

It Hides Your Email & Shares Your Social Profiles

If you are concerned about publishing your email address on your website or blog for spammers to find, you should try our new free Contact Button.

The Contact Button enables you to hide your email address and share all your social media profiles in one discreet widget.

You can find demonstration buttons on each of the following sites - Blogger, Typepad, Tumblr, WordPress and MySpace.

You no longer have to write your email address as robert (at) gmail.com to stop the spammers from either automatically or manually harvesting it. It simply disappears into this button where it’s encoded so no one can see it.

The Contact Button has a graceful dropdown which opens on rollover to display an email icon and your social profiles – should you include any. If a visitor clicks the “Email Me” icon, the email form opens on the same webpage - so the visitor stays on your site. The Button fits neatly into either the Sidebar on a blog, or can be automatically inserted at the end of each post. Visitor’s messages go direct to your regular email account.

The Contact Button text is customisable – the default is “Contact Me” and a range of icons to show what you have loaded your button with (either email or social profiles or both) and these can be altered to suit the users needs.

Sharing Your Social Media Profiles

How many “Social Profiles” have you got? How do you want people to find them?

Sharing Your Social Media profiles with your website / blog visitors has never been easier, without you cluttering up your sidebar with lots of links.

Your social profiles appear on the dropdown and open in a new window when clicked, so that any visitor doesn’t immediately and unintentionally leave your site. You can also list all your means of IM and VOIP contact, so that your visitors can chose the most convenient means of contacting you. There is even a “More” link which opens in a separate scrollable frame, just in case you have more than 9 profiles. With over 160 social networks supported, the Contact Button plugin is now one of the most extensive profile sharing tools available.

Auto Update

All you have to do to automatically update the information on your button in real time, is to update your stored information on WWB. So when you change your email address or add profiles, you don’t ever have to reload the button code.


Installation on any website is made simple with easy visual instructions displayed in a range of Button Installation Visual Guides.

Supported Sites

The button supports over 160 social media sites including:-

Blogger Classmates Digg Facebook Flickr LinkedIn LiveJournal MySpace StumbleUpon Tumblr Twitter Typepad Yahoo YouTube Wikipedia Wordpress

Monday, 23 November 2009

New Website Design For Our Address Book

Our Global Address Book now has a great new design and is even clearer and better looking than before.

Whilst the basic navigation has stayed the same, the pages have become simpler and less cluttered. You can see the type of address book entry you could have with this John Smith profile.

Visual Guides

We have also introduced a range of Visual Guides to explain the easy to use features of our online address book and our new Contact Button.

The Address Book Visual Guide gives a list of our Address Book features from creating your own free easy to maintain page in our address book - to our unique email gateway that enables you to be easily contacted without having to reveal your email address.

Friends, family and/or business associates will be able to find and contact you within 3 clicks of a Google Search of your name – without them having to register with us. This free service is totally unique on the internet.

Your address book entry (ie your profile page) is highly search engine optimized for your name - your name appears in the url address, the page meta tags and the page title. Essentially, this means that within a short space of time, your page should be ranking highly in Google and Yahoo for a search of your name.

Your "Vanity URL" address containing your name (eg /profile-8464-John-Smith) is useful for two reasons, firstly it makes your url address highly recognisable as yours if you want to share it with somebody and secondly this makes ranks you higher in the search engine results for your name, which enables you to be found more quickly.

The Contact Button Visual Guide gives a list of Contact Button features from hiding your email to sharing your social media profiles. The Button's dropdown menu expands to hold as many profiles as you have - aggregate your online social identity by bringing it together in one simple compact place!

Simply paste the Contact Button on your website, blog or forum in place of your email address. The Button can also hold all your IM/VOIP addresses (AIM, Yahoo IM, MSN IM Jabber IM, Google Talk, Skype).

The button comes with a range of easy to follow installation instructions in Visual Guide format.

The Site Visual Guide is an overview of our free online Address Book website from our new Contact Button to our Free People Search, Trace Lost Friends and Relatives and Search Alert.

Our People Search engine enables anyone to search for a person and obtain highly filtered results, for free and without being registered. Find photos, social networks, social media and highly filtered results for the person you are searching for.

Lost contact with friends or family? Our online people tracing service is one of the most powerful tools on the web to re-establish contact with someone – and it will only take you 5 minutes of your time.

Find out when someone has Googled you. Because your profile will rank high in the Search Engine results (unless you have a very common name) your profile will be a magnet to someone trying to find you. When they do, we capture their details. Very useful for job applicants, business professionals, business owners or even people dating!


We also now have detailed FAQ’s for our website and our new Contact Button:-

Site FAQ’s

Button FAQ’s

And finally an Our Company page! You can also find out more about us on our Companies House page.

Free Online Address Book

We'll also be introducing mobile pages in 2010, so that your address book details will easily load into any portable device - in other words, if someone views your page from a mobile device a simlified page will load (rather than the full page you currently see on your computer) making the page easier to view on that device.

Why pay for Telnic’s “Dot Tel” domains when you can get so much free with us?!